Friday, June 22, 2007

3 Words

You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more, no less.

It's harder than you think.

1. Where is your cell phone?
in the bag

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?:
missing in action

3. Your hair?:
still in tact

4. Where is your father?:
with my mom

6. Your favorite thing to do?:
read, think, pray

7. Your dream last night?:
can not remember

8. Your favorite drink?:
white mocha academia

9. Your dream car?:
is paid off

10. The room you're in?:
neighborhood cup cafe

12. Your fears?:
away from God

14. Who did you hang out with last night?:
kim, anil, hong

15. What you're not good at?:
singing in tune

16. Muffins?:
what? muffins! where?

17. One of your wish list items?:
save a soul

18. where did you grow up?:
in Arlington, Texas

19. The last thing you did?
finish on-line assignment

20. What are you wearing?:
clean comfy clothes

22. Your pet?:
inefficiently potty trained

23. Your computer?:
is not mine

24. Your life?
is ever changing

25. Your mood?:
peacefully at rest

26. Missing?:
my running shoes

27. What are you thinking about right now?:
upcoming beach activities

28. Your car?:
mini cooper s

29. Your work?:
to change soon

30. Your summer?:
a new beginning

31. Your status?:
waiting for guidance

32. Your favorite color(s):
found in nature

33. When is the last time you laughed?
ten seconds ago

34. Last time you cried?:
wednesday june 13

35. School?
bring it on!