Tuesday, September 23, 2008


....is all I got.

my kids make me giggle:


various students at sporadic times in the morning: "You look different Miss Nguyen."

me: Really?

them: Yes.

me: Probably my hair, today it is in a pony tail.

them: Ooooooh. Yeah that's it, huh.

They notice the weirdest tiniest detail when it comes to me yet they can't look carefully on whether the problem tells them to subtract or add. REALLY?!?!

Last Friday:

Picture this. A group of kids scrambling in the dark with their teacher allowing this to happen. Why? The principal came on the intercom saying we are about to commence the Perimeter Lockdown in a few minutes. Teacher has no clue as what to do, so teacher asks the students, [Big mistake], "Kids! What is Perimeter lockdown?" Students informs teacher, "Oh, you turn off the lights and we have to hide!" Teacher must be severely lacking sleep and sanity as the teacher agreed to it. So, in room 518, lights are off, room is pitch black and kids are scattered who knows where and with whom...it finally clicks when the teacher hears the other classes going about business as normal. "Hey! I don't think this is right!?!" says the teacher. Kids giggling. [uh-oh....trickster little rug rats]. Teacher goes to another teacher's room and asks ever so kindly as rug rat kids are finishing their Texas book assignment.

"What is perimeter lockdown?" Teacher 1 asks Veteran teacher 2.
"You lock your door and business as usual." says Teacher 2
"Thank you." Teacher 1.

Teacher 1 returns to class wanting to fully yell out rug rats as teacher was made out like a gullible fool....but can't....laughter and giggles just consumes as the memories of how ridiculous we probably looked had a principal or someone would have witnessed our madness. Students giggle and laugh as well as they knew they had pulled one over their teacher. This is all hypothetical of course. I am actually the veteran teacher as I would not ever be gullible enough to allow this to happen in my room. Oh no, not this Asian gal. Ha hahaa.... sigh. whatever.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


i'm pooped. weird cable man in my room.
the man speaks chinese....go figure.
he's taking so long. why is he here so late?
i haven't watched tv in over a month.
i really don't need cable in my room.
i'm pretty sure i will be using it later
but right now i'm pretty CRANKY.
sleep is what i want. sleep is what i need.
c'mon man! so sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy.

side note: got YELLLLED at by one of
my student's mom today. 7:35 AM to be exact.
she actually hung up on me because she
was so mad and told me to call her later
because she needed to cool off right now.
i was speechless....

called back during my conference period.
we reconciled our differences and came to
an agreement after much deliberation!
sigh....i'm so tired. grrrrrr....cable man,
cable man please goooooo away.
won't you come another daaaaaay!?!?!

i have two weddings, guitar lesson, kick off
prayer internship, evangelizing, possible
birthday dinner, and not to forget hanging
out with my floater this weekend. not to leave out my
regular church and chilling with me family routine too!
my my my...i think i may have overbooked myself.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


As I told my kids on Thursday and Friday, change is constant. I made them repeat it again and again, but I really don't think they fully grasp the meaning of it. Like Maslow's theory, the bell rang and they salivated, eyeing the coveted "freedom" door anticipating the moment I let them cross. Poor lil things, I about killed them on Friday. 25 kids with one teacher. Guess who's the lucky soul keeper? Yep, the other teacher was off doing who knows what but it seemed like an eternity. The kids were restless, I was tired and we were both moaning for her to come back. I have lost my co-teacher. I am now in charge of teaching all subjects. [Enter panic and worry.] Sigh. I inherited 4 additional kids as well. They all felt like they got the short end of the stick. [Um, Heeelloooo?!?] I told their sad lil puppy eyes, "Too bad, so sad. You are now mine and must play by my rules - which is dictatorship." The kid who I had to walk home with the lecturing grandma and the in-denial father was one who I have inherited in my classroom. FAAAAN-TASTIC. Bright side: Ms. C will still inhabit the same room. I didn't get the pee-er boy. Downside: I'll miss the rug rats as they were a good bunch of kids to torture. [j/k] We have been working like nobody's business getting the transition done by Monday. Thursday we went home at 10:30. Yesterday, 1:30 AM. What will today bring? Shoot 4 PM as it is my mom's birthday and she wants to go to the Gaylord. Why? Who knows, at least I won't be up in room 518 at my school.

Dedication man....de-di-ca-tion. Who bets I crack within one month? I wouldn't doubt it. hehehe...I foresee a mental health day very soon.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

dismal to dyn-o-mite day.

There's a reason why you let the kids write about themselves, hysterical laughter. Today was the absolute most horrendous of a school day and it's just the second week. [Looking forward to the next 9 months. Please note the extreme sarcasm.] Got me a pee-er and two liars accompanied by a ferocious anxiety attack in the morning. Grandma lecture of how to teach a child correct behavior and a father's denial that his "good" kid can do no wrong to end my day. Conversation with father to extend during my whole 25 minutes of lunch come this Thursday. All in all....I'm thankful to be alive. It's funny now, but had you been at my school to witness me this morning, you would've seen a torn up teacher. So being the optimist that I am [note sarcasm again], I decided to "get to know" my kids, as if that would alleviate the pangs of my woes. I finally read their "Get Acquainted" paper I asked them to complete last week, ta hahahah...we need to work on GRAMMAR/SPELLING. [Isn't the kettle calling the teapot black?] To get a feel with what I am working with see examples of student's work below. True names will not be revealed and spelling errors will remain in tact to keep integrity of the author's writing.

Favorite food is: Rice With Fish and Soup [Only an Asian girl would write this down]
My favorite game is: I love to clean [Wow. Really?]

Gigantor of a Behavioral Issue Student/ Pee-er
The subject I like best is: math
The subject I like least is: spilling [Hmm, would explain the incident today.]

Just exited Bilingual Student
The subject I like least is: waking up early [waaaa?!?!]
I feel proud when my dad makes his ribbis. [Dude, I'm speechless. I would like to think he was trying to say rib eyes but I have no clue.]

Amazon Girl Student
I would like to be a Movie Star when I group up. [Ahh yes, I would like you to group up too.]

Monday, September 1, 2008


So, not only am I indecisive but I'm a little bit impatient. Well, not entirely true in all instances or circumstances but when it deals with matters of the heart and the Lord - I am a microwaveable answer wanting fool. I've been up since 4 AM on my day off. [Yep that's right - madness I say madness!] I got a definite 1 of 2 answers on what I should do. Progress! The first I have no doubt that I need to suck it up and obey. It will be the most challenging thing that will be the death of me this school year. There is such an easier, greener road I can take on that one but sigh....you know how that story goes...must be obedient. The second answer I have is like, "Really?! Are you sure? Really?!" type of answer. It makes no sense. It's a leap of faith. "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see." [Hebrews 11:1] I really don't know what is to come or if I am making the right decision. The Lord has been placing verses here and there to encourage me that all will be okay. "Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised." [Hebrews 10:36] It will disappoint the old but will be embraced by the new. Lord willing, I will take this step of faith. "...as a result, we learned not to rely on ourselves, but on God..." [2 Corinthians 1:8]

I gotta laugh at the thought of my current situation. Three years ago, making these decisions would not even exist as I would not hesitate in doing whatever that was best for me. It makes me smile at the many miles I have gone in my walk. As Romans 6:20 explains it: In those days, I was a slave to sin and wasn't concerned with doing what was right in His eyes. I was ashamed of the things I used to do but now, I am a slave of God and do things to please Him. I have many many more miles to go but I'm steadily trying to walk forward. For "it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all - it is dead and useless." [James 2:17] Pawn to the King. Lead me back if I made the wrong choice. My eyes are on You. Checkmate.