Sunday, June 29, 2008

my sunday

Below is a picture of the Missionary Couple from Canada that I will be in contact with on my upcoming mission trip. Sweetest couple...with a tremendous testimony of over 30 years of ministry. That's what I love about getting to know people one on one - their story: the falls, the bruises, and eventually their triumph. We talked for over two hours and could have gone longer! Mind you it was during the Euro Finals but well worth the sacrifice to have had some time to get to know them. No worries, a wonderful fellow friend angie TIVO'd the game for me and we were able to watch my team win in victory over the Germans with some sprinkle cupcakes.

.....then I was off to root on the fellows at their soccer game to which they won 4-3: if memory serves me correctly. So overall it was a WIN-WIN-WIN day!

side note: getting pumped up about my departure on tuesday. eeeeeeee...or should I say ehhhhhhhh?!?!?!? heheh and behold the beloved exclamation point decided to work today. woo-hooooooo!!! sigh...this day just keeps getting better and better. HGTV time.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Go Spain Go [There would be some exclamation points immediately following the 'Go' but darn the computer and it's sudden strike in no longer producing the exclamation point upon demand. I repeatedly hit it firmly - nothing. Grrrr...I shook it violently but that didn't seem to persuade it to start working again either. sigh.] ANYWAYS, I am pretty excited about the upcoming Euro Final as I was able to follow [for the most part] the tourney since being off of work. YAY....I know Germany is the favorite to win but I'm the sort to root for the underdog [Especially when my team got kicked out of the tourney already. sniff. sniff.]

Well, the Canadian Missionaries [the couple that is stationed at my upcoming mission trip location] calls to schedule a meeting since they are currently in the DFW area. I left my Saturday schedule open to meet them since that was the initial date we both agreed upon weeks earlier. However, weather in Detroit delayed there arrival in DFW. Long story short - they could only meet on Sunday during the time of the EURO FINAL....aaaah [exclamation point] So, I did the whole, "Uhhh..well.....that day is not a good day for me to meet." [You know where my priorities lay - so sad.] Hours later, after remorse and guilt - I sent out an email saying that I would meet them regardless of location BUT if they wanted to make a trip to where I live and watch the soccer game along with great Asian food at the AIR CONDITIONED house then that would be FANTASMIC.....

I'm awaiting on the reply....fingers crossed and Lord willing they will oblige. hehehehe....if not, I will be needing someone with TIVO access fast.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I finally succumbed to the inevitable purchase of a new digi camera. To just give you an idea of how old my camera is...let's just say the memory stick is still in MB and not GB. The 3.0 megapixels just isn't cutting it anymore and the ever so annoying 5.0 turtle speed of a lag kills any decent outcome of an action shot. Frustrated at the quality pictures from a fellow friend's wedding this past weekend, I decided to visit the local Wolf Camera store. My how the camera selections have increased exponentially! As a highly indecisive person, making a decision was rough AND don't you just hate it when the salesguy whips out, "well, if you are looking for a great camera - this is it!" You "oooo and aaaaah" and then you ask, "how much is this camera?" Salesman combats, "oh it's only over your budget about $150 dollars." Punks show you all the knick knacks and patty whacks of this "just arrived" camera so when you go back to your previous selections they just don't seem all that great anymore. Grrrrr....schemers I tell you...schemers. However, anticipating the great multitude of camera candy and evilness of selling tricks, I decided to call upon an expert friend to help me narrow my choices down. Good thing, as one of the cameras that coincided with my top ten and his top six was the perfect "friendly" budgeted choice. I am a proud owner of the Fujifilm F45 FD!! I'm going to give my new camera a spin around the block and then some tomorrow!!! Oooooh I'm a skippy happy giddy girl with a new toy....

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I do NOT know what is wrong with me. My left shoulder is killing me. Was it because of the five push ups I decided to do on Tuesday? My leg throbs each time I attempt to jog with the thing. Grrrr... and each song that comes on makes me want to weep. Emphasis on want....I have not yet produced the tear, but the production of producing the tear is there no doubt. Dude, I need to suck it up or those 4th graders are going to runneth over me.

Side note: Hooray my parents come home tomorrow!!! No more taking care of the 15 fishes, 4 birds, 1 dog and garden full of flowers! HOOORAY!!!! They all remained alive on my watch....hahahahah who says I can't handle responsibility - puhlease!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

bummed & bruised.

It was a rather pleasant day today - it rained! - in the dead summer of Texas heat. So, I decided to play me some soccer with a few buddies of mine. Normally, I am the only girl playing with a bunch of dudes and so they normally take it 'easy' on me. However, there is this one dude - that I do not particularly like - because let's face it, does anyone like a smack talker? [a person who doesn't really know how to play the game but acts/talks like he's a professional athlete.] In any case, the fool kicked me, cleat out - woman [that be me!] down. Grrrr...bruised up with three distinct cleat mark on my shinny shin shin. He had the nerve to say I ran into his foot?! How the physics of gravity is that possible if there are CLEAT MARKS on my leg - idiot! AND another thing...I got the ball you got my leg - Oh! If I could walk properly, your face would run into my fist. Sigh....Holy Spirit calm me down

Monday, June 16, 2008


I am reading a book "Go girl" by Marlee LeDai given to me by my best friend a WHILE back. Disregard the lame title [as it took me about half a year to do] and crack it open, you will find that this book is full of inspirational travelers among the leading ladies in history. Ladies who took the initiative to travel to foreign lands where their hearts would feverishly beat in them not resting until they moved, literally.

Friends and family have kindly been praising me for my love and "courage" to go and help others. I appreciate their love and it helps build a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside of me but what I am doing is child's play next to Mother Theresa, Gertrude Bell, Mary Henrietta Kingsley, Harriet Chalmers Adams and Christine Gelman. It is Christine's story that puts into perspective of what life's purpose is all about. Surrounded by war conflict in Liberia, Christine felt the Lord calling her to help the children of Africa who were led by rebel troops when they invaded their Village. They took these children on a ten hour trek through swamps and marshes - living on only one tablespoon of rice per day - only to be returned to their once haven Village. Now unrecognizable from the rebel troops pilgrimage through their home, orphanage founder, Ed Kofi, cried for help of women volunteers to come. This need took precedence over food and money in order to restore hope into the children's heart. ALL they need is love and nurture through hugs and kisses in a time of pain and grief. Story after story it's tear-jerking and mind boggling to see how much this world is in pain. I immediately feel remorse in the puny feeble things I am praying for, focusing on the things of this world when this world will inevitable perish with all things in it. My desire? To fight the battle of my flesh. To understand and remember what is of importance and what is not. "All places are alike to me because I expect to find God everywhere, who is the only object of all my desires." -St. Therese Couderc

I understand there is everyday realities that holds us accountable to jobs. There are things that we MUST do out of obligation for living purposes but I can't let it overcome what I know to be of more importance: love. Loving life enough to touch a soul and if I am blessed enough, to save a soul by introducing them to Jesus Christ. I am pumped up more than ever to live this life in concordance to God's will: be whatever it may lead me. I know where I will be if my life is to end, that in and of itself should clear most of my fear. Help me remember what is of importance. Help me remember.

** What I do worry about is my family. Will they understand? I would seem crazy or even considered selfish in not thinking about how they would feel in losing a daughter/sister. The thing is that I do - more than they ever know on a daily basis. BUT how can I explain something they don't believe? Would that make it any easier? Would it help in the "why" department? Sigh, in Luke 14:26, it states the cost of being a disciple - and - I rest my hopes in Acts 17:31. **

Sunday, June 15, 2008

unwise decision.

Sigh. I drank coffee. Potent coffee from the Asian man around the corner from the soccer fields. WHAT was I thinking? Oh, that's right I wasn't!! I should do something productive BUT I would need to be able to focus. Ironically, I can't focus even though my brain is active, perhaps in system overload. Mind roaming, can't complete thought, talk about short attention span ADD - so THIS is what my kids feel like when I am teaching!!! I can't do anything 'meaningful', this is as good as it gets in doing something of worth. Sad...

Moving on to something else unproductive.

I wish I owned a Wii Fit - that would come in HANDY. They got a cool looking soccer game to go with it. Ooooohhh, to own one would be heavenly!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008


I'm speechless....

I just received my account from CAM international for my upcoming mission trip to Canada and what can I say...there was an additional $150 added to my account!! The people who have contributed are ones who I was not anticipating to pop up as my donors. It really shocks and moves me how fantabulously giving people can be and it makes me want to weep - out of joy - at the graciousness of others. Especially at these times and knowing how hard money is to come by these days; I can't believe it and am utterly rendered numb at it all. Granted I do not have the amount that I need before July 1st just yet but .FORGET THAT I am so thankful for what has already been given to me as it was never promised beforehand...the Lord provides and I know regardless of how much will end up in my account, I know that it will all be for His glory. Thank you from the depths of my soul for those who have helped me on my journey with support in prayer and finances. You do NOT know how much I am thankful for you and how much you have been a blessing to me. God be with you all and may He pour out His blessings to you. Thank you again.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Morton Mustang!

it's official.
i'm a Morton Mustang.
4th grade teacher!!!

i had every intention of going to a lower 'stress-free' grade level....
but you know how the Lord works - very mysterious and always the harder road.
i LOVE this school...title I....good mix of african american, hispanic, and asian...oop and a dash of anglos. =)
the assistant principal rocks too!!!

i just let the pieces fall where they may and Lord willing I won't be flattened.


i do feel a bit sad about my old school.
like telling people, "oh, i teach in Oak Cliff" - i then wait for it:
their immediate jaw drop gasp of "oh my!" like they just heard
breaking news of "i just attempted suicide earlier today."

however, what I will really miss is my fellow teachers, the STUDENTS, the Principal....
although, the teachers i taught with will not be returning. tear.
neither will MY they all passed - hallelujah! -
AND the principal will not be returning either. sniff sniff


yeah me! yeah me! ok, i stink. literally. need a shower.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Here's a thought.

In the Bible, God tests your faith in Him by means of tithing [giving 10% of your gross income]. He promises that "If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use in giving - large or small - it will be used to measure what is given back to you." [Luke 6:38] Meaning, if we give unto the Lord, He "will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." [Philippians 4:19] However the caveat is that we must give in order to receive. So it got me thinking, would the same promise be for love? So much heartache, heartbreak and mending of broken-ness these days - it's hard to believe that such a thing could exist. Then again, perhaps I'm not loving the way that God intended for me to love.... As my pastor says, "Shame the devil and tell the truth." Love is something that everyone seeks. "For love is as strong as death, and its jealousy is as enduring as the grave." [Song of Songs 8:6] Love can literally bring you from the brink of death or it can also drive you to the grave. Huh, maybe that's why in the previous verse of this same chapter it says: "I want you to promise,...., not to awaken love until the time is right." I've been told, "What we seek we already have." I seek love, but it's taking me time to fully realize that what I've been looking for, I do already have. For it is written "God is love." [I John 4:16] God found me....and therefore, so did love!! It's up to me to grab it, seize it, receive it from God and stop depending on a man to give it. I'm not men hating but realistically, no man can live up to all my expectations of what I desire - it's just not possible as we all make mistakes [especially me] and with mistakes comes disappointment which inevitably leads to hurt - to which I had my fair share. So, why is it that I can't fully be satisfied? I know Jesus is enough and God is sovereign but LORD help me understand what I cannot see. Help my feelings catch up to what I know is true and what I knw is that I am loved by YOU.