Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Morton Mustang!

it's official.
i'm a Morton Mustang.
4th grade teacher!!!

i had every intention of going to a lower 'stress-free' grade level....
but you know how the Lord works - very mysterious and always the harder road.
i LOVE this school...title I....good mix of african american, hispanic, and asian...oop and a dash of anglos. =)
the assistant principal rocks too!!!

i just let the pieces fall where they may and Lord willing I won't be flattened.


i do feel a bit sad about my old school.
like telling people, "oh, i teach in Oak Cliff" - i then wait for it:
their immediate jaw drop gasp of "oh my!" like they just heard
breaking news of "i just attempted suicide earlier today."

however, what I will really miss is my fellow teachers, the STUDENTS, the Principal....
although, the teachers i taught with will not be returning. tear.
neither will MY they all passed - hallelujah! -
AND the principal will not be returning either. sniff sniff


yeah me! yeah me! ok, i stink. literally. need a shower.


Angie Tieman said...

Whoo! Hoo! Congrats to you, Ms. Nguyen! They are soooo lucky to get you, they have no idea yet!! And...on a side know I'm not returning to 3rd grade there because you and Ms. Myrick are not! *wink* and *boo! hoo!* But I really am happy that you found the direction God wanted you to go in! Hugs!

Robin said...

Yay! I'm glad things worked out well and enjoy the rest of your summer!