Thursday, June 19, 2008


I do NOT know what is wrong with me. My left shoulder is killing me. Was it because of the five push ups I decided to do on Tuesday? My leg throbs each time I attempt to jog with the thing. Grrrr... and each song that comes on makes me want to weep. Emphasis on want....I have not yet produced the tear, but the production of producing the tear is there no doubt. Dude, I need to suck it up or those 4th graders are going to runneth over me.

Side note: Hooray my parents come home tomorrow!!! No more taking care of the 15 fishes, 4 birds, 1 dog and garden full of flowers! HOOORAY!!!! They all remained alive on my watch....hahahahah who says I can't handle responsibility - puhlease!!!

1 comment:

Angie Tieman said...

Ummmm, no. No graders of any age are going to run over you. I know you. Not possible. The "almost" tears are probably because we did not get our day together today. sigh. And I'm sure the pain is from the idiot with the cleat who you ran into with your leg! lol! Check your schedule for next week, any day but Wednesday for me!