Tuesday, June 17, 2008

bummed & bruised.

It was a rather pleasant day today - it rained! - in the dead summer of Texas heat. So, I decided to play me some soccer with a few buddies of mine. Normally, I am the only girl playing with a bunch of dudes and so they normally take it 'easy' on me. However, there is this one dude - that I do not particularly like - because let's face it, does anyone like a smack talker? [a person who doesn't really know how to play the game but acts/talks like he's a professional athlete.] In any case, the fool kicked me, cleat out - woman [that be me!] down. Grrrr...bruised up with three distinct cleat mark on my shinny shin shin. He had the nerve to say I ran into his foot?! How the physics of gravity is that possible if there are CLEAT MARKS on my leg - idiot! AND another thing...I got the ball you got my leg - Oh! If I could walk properly, your face would run into my fist. Sigh....Holy Spirit calm me down

1 comment:

Angie Tieman said...

Ouch! That sounds painful! You know what my mom always told me (and I told my 3rd graders): if the boy hits/kicks you, he secretly likes you! hee! hee!