Unbeknownst to me, upon my arrival at school, I discovered that someone decided to have a party decoration store explode in my room. [This is just one side of the room.] Shockingly - literally - the kids were wondering who's birthday it was. So sad. So sad. CONTEXT clues kids - who's room is this? Poor lil things. Then again their previous teachers were telling me that it was nice of me to decorate my own room for my own birthday for the kids. Eh?! What?! I wouldn't do such a thing, perhaps for someone else's birthday but not for my own! In any case, very nice and sweet surprise to walk into. I got five more plastic rings added to my current collection too. Weeeeee!!! You know, the ones they put on top of those cupcakes!!! Yaaaaaa, that's what I'm talking about! The culprit responsible for this:
Well, normally he wouldn't be grooming a statue monkey...ha...ha
Other highlights of my day/weekend:
- Spaghetti dinner and necessity of rice cooker incident. sigh....you just don't know.
- Surprise birthday party: eek. had no clue. sneaky people! thank you.
- I got an iPod NANO! wahhooooooo...thanks sis and anh neal! LOVE it.
- Many many birthday wishes from my friends off Facebook, text, phone call. A deep THANK YOU to you all =)
None of this is deserving at all....it was quite a shock and weird feeling to get the attention and love from all the people in my life. Even if it was a simple text or post ....you made me feel special and I really do thank the Lord for you. Blessings to you and all who contributed. God's love to you always.