Sunday, April 29, 2007

it is what it is.

satisfied. contentment. easy concept. hard practicing. sometimes, i am so consumed with other people's life. their testimonies. their blessing. their togetherness. i get caught up trying to become whomever it is that i think i should be that i lose sight of who i am. everyone has their own unique story. everyone has their own testimony. everyone gets their own blessings. when i get trapped into thinking that i deserve what they deserve, i get into some trouble. frustration sets in. anger boils up. and sadness overflows. to pathetically attempt to redeem myself, i try to be someone i can't ever be so i can get what they got. funny thing? i don't get it. literally, i don't GET it. i don't get what they got and i can't understand why. but what God graciously gave me is MY life. what i get and when i get it, is up to God's divine time. and i realize that He decides what He gives me, not Ecclesiastes 6:10 says "Everything has already been decided. It was known long ago what each person would be. So there's no use arguing with God about your destiny." there's no use crying over it either. as i like to say now-a-days, it is what it let it be and praise God all along the way.

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