Wednesday, April 11, 2007

one fully loaded potato

tuesday was chipotle day at my office. and being the good supporter i am - i joined the other Chipotlians and went to get my ginormous of a barbacoa burrito with rice, green peppers, pico, lettuce, cheese, sour cream, guacamole and hot sauce on the side. to my amazement - i ate the whole thing. i had intended to only eat half. i was anticipating a large dinner later on. come 6 pm there was a final meeting hoopla at pappadeaux's. i decided to get their crawfish 1 LB special. it came with potato and corn. a fellow sister had it too but didn't eat her potato. i couldn't let it go to waste so i ate it for her. helped the same fellow sister with her salad. ate the appetizer bread. top that off with an order of chicken tenders & fries and washed it all down with some bread pudding. i think i may have over done it with the bread pudding because the repercussions of all the food did not kick in until the bread pudding. but twas all too late. rubbing my belly did not help. i thought to myself: surely this will not last til tomorrow.

tomorrow came and stomach still not happy. throwing back 4 tums did not help. coke didn't help. neither did eating all those almonds. the smell of food made me sick. smoothie king - couldn't even drink a quarter of it. it was just pure deadly TIME. as the seconds ticked on by, my stomach was one angry intestine. ironically, i was reading the Bible before all of this and it fell on 1 Peter 1:13 "So think clearly and exercise self control" d'oh! yeah...didn't see that one coming. did not realize that He was trying to warn me of my future food intake - i thought God was warning me about mental stuff...who would've thunk it

note to self: need to breathe more while eating instead of inhaling the food. that, and i need to chew the recommended 26 times before you swallow. i heard that helps slow down the crazy eater in you. whaaaaa!?!? yeah...maybe i just need more self-control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T even begin to believe that you teeny tiny self ate all of that food!! LOL!! Gluttony...hmmm, hmmm,'s so hard to resist sometimes!