Tuesday, July 15, 2008

back from burlington, canada

Days are going fast and it's bittersweet.

I'm back in Hamilton from Burlington. Never in my life have I watched so much Disney TV. I'm Hannah Montana-d out. I am officially caught up on the ins and outs of what's cool and "hip" from the perspective of a 5 year old, 9 year old [but about to be 10], and a 13 year old. My goodness...

but the point of no return in regards to how old I really am had to have hit on July 9th when the 9 year old's father dropped her, the 13 year old, and myself at the mall. Oh the horrid memories of junior high came a rolling in torpedo speed. The car he drove us in came to a screeching halt in the front of the mall and the youngins came out squealing with pure excitement at the thought of being able to go to the local mall unsupervised [well there was me of course] on a weekday. People were a staring [some cute ones at that] and I couldn't help but laugh at the moment. I went into hysterical laughter when "dad" said...."Ok, here you are girls!!! Be careful and have fun. Call me when you need me to pick you up." To which I couldn't help but say, "Thaaaaaanks DAD!" and slam the door. The girls looked at me and asked me what was so funny....."You wouldn't understand my young lads. You wouldn't understand."

There willl be many things I will miss from Canada but I am anxious for my return this Sunday. I miss my family, friends, my church, and soccer. See you soon guys. See you soon!


Angie Tieman said...

Hey Vina! Welcome back from Canada! Sorry I missed your welcome back celebration. :( I was so bummed, but I was still in Missouri. Can't wait to catch up with you!

Robin said...

We used to go to the mall a lot, didn't we?