Thursday, July 24, 2008


...yeah I know perhaps I shouldn't be thinking but in any case, I have an inkling of what I will be doing 5 years from now!! Have you ever had that asked to you repeatedly? Well, if you have had any type of interview - that there my friend is one THE most dreaded questions to be asked - I hate that question. I never knew what I will be doing in the next hour let alone the next 5 years!! They ask me like I have a 5 year plan set in stone and thoroughly worked out like an algebra problem. Puh-lease. It was always difficult for me to obtain a job, perhaps my answer of "Huh...still working for you? He he [smile]" to the question could've been my "reject this loser" stamp. To further secure my reject pile they ask me, "So, tell me a little bit about yourself." Answer: Silence because what I know I am about to say is about exciting as a goldfish living in a bowl. "Well, I graduated from college in my hometown with the two degrees that I have no interest in, living with my sister and her husband, no prospects of marriage anytime soon [I heard this rings stability in obtaining a job], stumbled upon your company through and thought I give you a try. I've never moved farther than 30 miles of where I was born and still have nightmares from watching Freddy Kreuger movies." Yeah I would reject myself too. HA! HA! BUT is different - I know what I should be doing and I have a somewhat phenomenal outlook in what could be my future. Thanks be to the Lord! I always had a heart to go out and elsewhere and I think it's time I start doing something about it. Missions is what I love to do on any occasion I am able to and I think it is fitting that I should start seeing what I need to do to become a missionary. When? Where? How long? Who knows but I'm pretty excited about it. I'm thinking if this is in the Lord's will then by God He will show me the way!!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I'm glad you are feeling led to go into missions! I have wanted to do missions for many years now, although God has taught me there are many definitions and ways of doing "missions."

I'll be praying for you though. For patience and direction and wisdom. Very exciting!