Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hamilton, Canada.

In Canada, complications or resistances from me would be non-existence being it a non-third world country. HA! Needless to say, after the FIRST day here - I was ready to pack up and say, "I'm sorry, I just can't be here right now!" I was pretty bad to where I was contacting people from home asking them for massive prayer to keep me here. The Lord answered [thankfully] and finally opened my eyes to things that I take for granted. Things that I shouldn't REALLY be complaining about. Basically, He was like: "Vina, suck it up and do the work that I need you to do and not what you thought you would do." So....I quit my whining and finally's not all that bad. Today was a full preparation work day and I finally called it quits on the account of remaining sane and hunger pangs. When I was picked up by the pastor, he opened with:

Pastor Sergio: "So I need to ask you for a faaaaaavor."
[Ugh....what NOW?!?!? seriously? - in brain]
Me: "Yes?!"
Pastor Sergio: "So, this is the only time we are able to do this."
Pastor continues: "I need you to pick strawberries."
Pastor: "There is a field where we can pick strawberries...and I need you to help me pick them."
Me: "SURE!!!"
[Whoooooo, fun fun fun.....]

I immediately thought of my sister as she wanted to pick bluberries before I left but schedules and sinus attacks would not allow for us to actually go. So we went and it was FANTABULOUS. I am thankful to the Lord for just allowing me to experience it. I was like a FARMER y'all....a FARMER!!!...bending over and pickin' berries. Yee-haw! The Lord is good when you trust in Him. Funny thing is....He will not show you the greatness until you act on the unseen first. It's like someone telling you to walk through the tunnel, at the end of the tunnel there will be a door. You won't know that unless you walk throught the darkness of the tunnel and trusting what has been told of you. Trust comes before seeing otherwise it wouldn't be called faith, eh?!

Berries to you and hope to update more soon!

SPECIAL THANK YOUS TO: My sister, Eva, and Wendell for words of encouragement and prayer....and to the YOUTH group here for a powerful prayer meeting as well and words of inspiration and courage. Be strong in faith and hope. It's a new day!

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