Thursday, August 7, 2008

funny encounters.

Funny Encounter 1:

Soooooooooo, at Staples right now you can get 10 folders for FREE!!!! Being the poor teacher that I am, I ecstatically jumped for joy at the opportunity of getting anything for the kiddos for FREE!!!! Ahem, so this deal has been going on since Tuesday and I have been going every day to get my 10 and pulled in my sister and brother-in-law as reinforcements. You see, since it is FREE you are only allowed to go to the store once per day and allotted 10 per person. So today, after playing soccer with the fellows, I decided to try and recruit them in going with me to get like 100 folders...sadly, they laughed at my ploy and was silent. [I took that as a "No, Vina"] Disappointed at their reluctance to help me, I left anyways to get my measly 10 folders. As I was parking, I noticed a group of youngins sitting on the curb with their skateboards. [Is the light going off?] Sweaty, stinky, and looking a bit nasty I boldly approached the "gang" cheesily requesting that they help a poor teacher by escorting me inside the Staples to grab 10 folders each. After a tiny bit of "groveling" they said "Yeah, sure...why not..." [moping and dragging turtle speed pace] NO MATTER!!! I will be getting 70 folders!!! WAHOOOOOOOO!!! I wanted to thank them by buying them some candy but then that cost $5 and it would have defeated the purpose of getting FREE folders. I loudly thanked them repeatedly instead. Weeeeeee!!! I will be able to supply the kids with an abundance of folders up to my chinny chin chin AND my sister and brother-in-law are feeding in another 20 per day until the sad ending of this FREE-ness comes to an end on Saturday. you see....all things come to those who wait. worries if you think I am greedy; that is partially correct HOWEVER I do know the meaning of the word SHARE, and share I shall do.

PS. One of the skater dudes was asking me if I wanted him to just take a box and run out the door. "Uh, no no no NO...please don't as it is really painless, see?! I hand you this and we go stand in line and no one gets hurt." [or jailed - I muttered in my head.] Thankfully they obliged and we all came out as winners! Well, more me than them. Te he...

Funny Encounter 2:
I was standing in line to purchase a cute pair of shoes I found at Marshalls when a young girl [couldn't have been more than 9] emphatically screamed in my direction "JOE!!!!!" Scared out of my wits end I look behind me as I wanted to see "JOE" too! Nobody behind me, odd. I look at little girl. Little girl looks at me. I'm not Joe - I think to myself. Little girl pointing at me. RUDE - I think....and then I look down and start shirt has a Jonas brother on it and apparently his name is "JOE." I plum forgot I was wearing the shirt and foolishly said "Aww...yes Joe. He he...he." I got the Camp Rock shirt while I was in Canada under the influence of my 13 year old shopping advisor, Josh. Yes, that in and of itself was a sad, sad day. Where is my willpower? AND how did I let a 13 year old influence my purchase?!?!

Hahahaha...yes, that is my life. Weeeeeeeee!!! What did you do today?

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