Sunday, August 17, 2008

a mother's inconceivable declaration.

Hahaha...I haven't seen my parents in about 2 1/2 weeks and this is what I get when I finally do visit them:

me: "Mom, Dad - Helllooo?!?!"
dad: silent accompanied with a strange look.
me: gave the man a hug, a smile, and a hello.
dad: nothing. the man lays stiff on the bed but still maintains the strange look.
me: alright, moving along to the kitchen for mom then.

[side attack by rugrat dog of a muskrat. grrrr...he's still alive.]

mom: "VIIIIIIIIINA! You look better. Your hair is so long!"
me: "Hiiiiii MOM!" [cheesy big grin smile]
mom: Ecstatic smile reciprocation and then an emphatic, "You have a BOYFRIEND don't you?!"
me: er, whaaa?!?! "Noooooo Mom I don't!" [accompanied by hysterical laugh that causes more incrimination than you can imagine]
mom: "You DO that's why we haven't seen you!"
me: "MOM, NO really I don't. I'm sorry - no boyfriend, just been busy. I am just really happy to see you and your weirdness!" [ok, I didn't say weirdness but I really wanted to as I was still laughing from the unforeseen comment. The laughing is actually hurting my case than helping it because when I lie, I smile really big because I stink at lying. Ha haha..]
mom: "Noooo, you do!!!! DAAAD she finally has a boyfriend!"

dad: straggles in the kitchen at a rather rapid pace. "Where have you been? What have you been doing? Why so long? Who are you?!"
mom: "You finally have a boyfriend! Ha hah ah ha...yay!"
dog: barking at all the commotion.
me: Oh my! Seriously?!? Maybe I should have just called.

The real cause of the joy: Jesus Christ my friends. Jesus Christ and His unconditional love and grace towards me.

1 comment:

Angie Tieman said...

You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend!! What's his name! Call me, I need the details!