Thursday, April 17, 2008


i should be doing something productive right now like:
grade papers - write future math graphic organizers - read something.
but it's raining. don't know why but i'm using that as my excuse.
i just can't seem to get motivated. i think i finally understand
how my students feel. sad. i yell at them so much. but i want
them all to pass. i know i don't have control over that - but if i
have somewhat of an authority to influence it - then by all bat mobile
i'm going to shove all the information that i can into their
brains until the very bitter end of the last grueling minute
of their third grade career.

aaaaah!! it's raining like hoodrats right now and i'm home alone!
and sitting near the window...hmmmm, maybe i should move...
eeeeek someone hold me....
at least i have my laptop computer. aaaaaaah!

so scareeeeeed....

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